The keys to unlocking professional growth and resilience in the workplace

The keys to unlocking professional growth and resilience in the workplace

Do you feel like you can cope with whatever life in the workplace throws at you? Do you confront problems head-on, let problems wash over you, and bounce back ? Or does anxiety, panic, and stress win out more often than not?

If it’s the latter then don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, two thirds of UK employees have reported that they do not feel resilient in their working life and it is having a serious impact on their enjoyment of work and the work they produce.

A survey of 2,500 employers and employees across the UK and Europe (including France, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands) revealed that UK employees with poor resilience had 59 per cent lower engagement and were 43 per cent less likely to want to stay with their employer than those who felt they had a greater inner strength and ability to cope.

Only around a third of UK employees (29%) could be said to be resilient based on their sense of security and belonging, and ability to reach their full potential. Meanwhile, 43% of employees in the UK feel insecure at work, with a further 52% insecure in their role, and 56% feeling like they don’t belong or are not living up to their potential.

Emotional strength and resilience is how we equip ourselves to deal with life’s challenges. Without it, we become more prone to stress and anxiety – the biggest cause of time off work due to illness in the UK according to the Health and Safety Executive.

The question is, how can resilience in the workplace be improved? Who’s job is it to give workplace wellbeing a boost?

Research has actually shown that there are three levels of intervention needed to lift resilience at work. The first is down to the individual, the second is the organisation at large, and the third is a strong interface and process between the two.

Having supervisor support, and a structure that recognises the signs of low-resilience, is vital. But so is taking steps to improve your own mental wellbeing.

Downloading the One Wellbeing app and setting achievable goals to improve your mental health is one way to do it, with limits on screen time and prompts to get out for walks just some of the ways you can use the app to measurably build inner strength.

Resilience is important in every aspect of our lives, but building it into your working life will help in periods of high stress. It’ll also help you perform better the rest of the time, helping you reach that potential and be the best version of yourself in your career. There really is no downside, so start building your resilience today

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