Stress management: 5 key tips and tricks

With the fast-paced nature of the modern-day lifestyle, none of us are strangers to stress and its impact on our bodies and minds – even the team at ART. The everyday requirements of our careers, families and general responsibilities can often leave us feeling overwhelmed, anxious and exhausted.

This can also exacerbate other mental and emotional problems we may be dealing with – in fact, up to 51% of adults who felt stressed reported feeling depressed and 61% reported feeling anxious on top of that.

Unfortunately, this can shape various aspects of our mindset towards our lives; at work and home. For example, our very own ART data shows us that anxious employees were 7% more distractible on average than happy employees were, impacting their job performance and holistic health considerably.

Luckily, stress doesn’t have to take over entirely. You can regain a sense of genuine wellness and calm by implementing effective stress management techniques and holistic wellbeing strategies into your daily life. In this blog post, we’ll dive into five actionable tips that will help you manage stress and create a healthier, more balanced attitude moving forward.

Optimal Time Management

Intense bouts of stress can crop up whenever we feel overwhelmed by tasks, deadlines and endless to-do lists. Taking an optimised approach to time management and goal setting can help you regain a sense of control over your schedule and enable you to slow things down.

Prioritise the most important items on your to-do list, and be sure to break down large, time-consuming tasks into more manageable chunks to avoid overdoing it. It’s also always a good idea to utilise techniques like the Flowtime technique, where you work for a focused period and then take short breaks, to maintain productivity without burning out.

Setting achievable goals like this and giving yourself credit where credit is due can go a long way in boosting your confidence and reducing overall stress.

Implement Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

When your stress levels boil over, your body’s instinctive fight-or-flight reaction may kick in, resulting in intense physical and mental strain.

Luckily, we can combat this by practising deep breathing and relaxation techniques on a regular and consistent basis to retrain our bodies to find that inner balance. In a tranquil environment, gently shut your eyes and engage in slow, deep breaths. Inhale with depth, counting to four, then pause for four counts, followed by a deliberate exhale, counting to six.

This method triggers the body’s relaxation reaction, fostering a soothing effect on the nervous system. Additionally, trying out progressive muscle relaxation and visualisation routines can prove beneficial in diminishing the negative effects of stress.

Prioritise Self-Care

Prioritising self-care isn’t an act of selfishness; rather, it’s a fundamental requirement for both your mental and physical wellbeing to thrive.

Elevate self-care on your list by participating in tasks that elicit happiness and calmness within, or investing in a wearable device built to optimise your wellbeing. This could encompass pursuing a hobby, indulging in a relaxing bath, immersing yourself in a book, or enjoying some time in nature.

Consistent physical activity, balanced nutrition, and ample sleep also contribute significantly to stress management – and are often the key factors in making sure you don’t become overwhelmed.

Always bear in mind that self-care is an ongoing journey, so carving out time for it within your daily schedule is essential.

Build a Supportive Social Network

Establishing healthy connections with friends, family and understanding companions can serve as a robust defence against stress.

Opening up about your emotions and worries can lighten the load you might be shouldering, maybe without realising it. Surround yourself with individuals who inspire you, lend a non-judgmental ear and motivate for you to reach your goals.

Participating in important dialogues about mental health and relishing valuable moments with those dear to you can substantially elevate your emotional health.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Meditation is an effective approach to lessening stress and enhancing overall wellness that provides a wealth of tangible benefits. You can detach from past concerns and future ambiguities by directing your concentration to the here and now.

In a relaxing environment, settle into a comfortable position, and centre your awareness on your breath. Should your thoughts wander, softly steer them back to your breath. With consistent dedication, this routine can foster heightened mindfulness, decreased unease and develop an enhanced emotional awareness.

Although stress is an inescapable facet of existence, it need not overshadow your state of wellbeing. Integrating these five recommendations into your everyday regimen can enable you to adeptly handle stress and nurture a heightened inner tranquility.

Keep in mind that discovering the most suitable strategies might entail a degree of trial and error. Through unwavering commitment and patience, you can adeptly navigate life’s trials with resilience and uphold a more wholesome, joyous way of living in a long-term way.


How do you manage stress? Let us know in the comments.
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Chloe Grimmer

Marketing Executive, ART Health Solutions

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