Helping You to Help Your Team

A Road Map

We are looking forward to working closely with you on this exciting workplace science project. Your support throughout the project will allow us to deliver a top quality service to the employees taking part to ensure we maximise the value we bring to their working lives through an enhanced workplace experience. Whilst our team will take the lead through the various phases of the project, we will need your support and assistance at certain points to help with engagement levels, troubleshooting and general communications.

This page provides an overview of the process that we will follow in order to deliver a successful project, outlining the key phases across the project and when & where we will require your assistance. We have also included detailed information and templates that are designed to make any assistance you give as seamless and quick as possible in order to minimise the impact on your daily working schedule.

Below is an overview of a typical Project Road Map:


Phase 1 – Pre-Recruitment

The aim of this phase is designed to introduce the project to the employees and start the recruitment process

1.1 Expression of Interest

Employees will be sent an e-mail with details around the proposed research project and a list of frequently asked questions

1.2 Invite to the Townhall

Employees who have expressed an interest in taking part in the research project will be invited to a townhall. The townhall will give the employees additional detail around the project and give them an opportunity to ask any questions.

  • Required Documents:
    • Invite to Townhall


Phase 2: Town Hall

ART_Bangalore_Town_Hall_Deck_26 Aug Combined_V2

Phase 3: Recruitment & Consenting


Phase 4: Onboarding

Phase 5: Data Collection


Phase 6: Project Operations


Phase 7: Project Completion

